by Stacey Winnick
There was a gorgeous girl who grew up in in the 1930’s Poland. She was a model. During the 1940’s she escaped Poland to Paris and met a much older doctor. The doctor fell head over heels with the woman. She became his wife. They fled Paris for the United States. The woman was my godmother, Irene Fabrikant. Her husband, was my godfather , Dr. Max Fabrikant.
They lived on the Upper West Side. Irene went to NY School of Interior of Design. My mother Florence was studying at the school as well. Irene was wearing a polka dot dress. My mother had to have the dress! They talked and became instant best friends. They became successful decorating partners for over 40 years.
I was the child they never had. I carefully watched Irene’s style. Always looking at everything she wore. Her husband, Max became my godfather. He was my biggest fan. He thought I could do anything. He gave me the determination that I carry with me today.
I would sleep over their beautifully decorated apartment on 72nd Street and West End. You could not touch a thing.
Irene and I would prepare every detail for the sleepover. We bought every sugar cereal that my mother would never let me have. It was pure heaven.
Here’s a picture at a NYC nightclub of Irene and Max.
They loved to dine out and go to nightclubs.
They took me to my first smorgasbord restaurant at eight years old. Every restaurant they walked into they were greeted by the owner “So nice to see you Dr. Fabrikant and Mrs. Fabrikant.” Irene never cooked.
The strange thing is that I look more like Irene then my own mother. Below is a picture of two of the most loving, stylish people I ever met! I look at this picture everyday and think about the love, support and style they gave me!